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Are Unions Gaining Leverage From Vaccine Mandates?

Unions are not only pushing for higher wages, but also better working conditions

As vaccine mandates have been regulated into the workforce, unions have begun pushing back, and not just on vaccine restrictions, but also on higher wages and employee rights.

Jon Najarian, the co-founder of says, “Those unions are saying, if you want me to give that up, you're going to have to give me something. I'm sure they would exchange that for something. And I imagine it's higher wages, it's family leave, it's any of these things.”

Union interests are centered on protecting the worker's well-being and their rights. As the pandemic has displaced many workers, unions are now in a position to push back. 

“I think this is negotiation. And I think it kind of shows the people that are doing it are smart," Najarian says. "If you're a fireman and they tell you, you have to be vaccinated and you're that fireman, and you say, 'Well, in my contract, my union contract, it says, you can't ask me that.'”

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According to Najarian, of the nine million people who left the workforce, about one third of them will never come back. With this mass departure of the labor force, employees are gaining leverage, he believes. 

"When you couple that with stringent vaccine guidelines, you have a recipe for a power shift that starts with aggression unions. Paid family leave, higher wages, and improved work conditions are all at the bargaining table for the workers. The question that remains is what are the employers willing to accept to get employees to come back."

Watch the full interview now: