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Sabby is joined by a Canadian conservative that explains how the healthcare system works in Canada during the March For Medicare For All Pre-Game. The March For Medicare For All is scheduled for July 24th, 2021 with events in over 5o cities across the United States. 

Sabby goes through the details of the marches, including the master of ceremonies, organizers and speakers for each march. Speakers include, Marianne Williamson, Jimmy Dore, Jackson Hinkle and more. Sabby is the master of ceremony for the Boston march. Sabby explains why these marches are so important and how people can get involved in direct action events like this. 

Sabby's guest explains how the Canadian healthcare system can work in the United States, starting with California. They discuss the influence of big pharma and why the Joe Biden will not approve Medicare For All. Should we fight for Medicare For All through direct action or continue to wait for politicians to do implement Medicare For All?

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